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We're excited to continue the healing work we began at Alive Oaks in a new riverside sanctuary in Espinhal, close to Coimbra. For the coming months, we will focus on personalized, one-on-one sessions, along with options for couples or friends who are comfortable sharing our cozy yurt accommodation.

Our programs are deeply intertwined, offering a holistic approach that includes delicious organic vegan meals, daily Qi Gong practice, sound baths, sound healing, and nature immersion. Sessions are crafted to meet individual needs, featuring soul readings, channeled messages, personalized healing sessions, and coaching.

In spring, we look forward to expanding the retreat center to welcome group retreats again, creating a space for transformation and rejuvenation.



A transformation retreat is your personal voyage to rekindle your inner light, and at Alive Oaks, we're your trusted companions on this soul-stirring journey. We believe that the path to transformation unfolds by reconnecting with your true essence, and we provide a holistic experience that's second to none.

Nature's Embrace:

Immerse yourself in the nurturing arms of nature. Our retreat is set amidst the lush beauty of Central Portugal, a place where you can reset, recharge, and rediscover your inner spark. The healing power of nature is your constant companion here.


Nourish from Within:

We practice intermittent fasting to allow your body to heal, offering a profound reset for your entire being. Savor every bite of our delicious vegan cuisine, lovingly prepared from ingredients grown in our garden or sourced from local markets. It's a feast for the senses and a gift to your well-being.


Harmonize Body and Spirit:

Engage in daily yoga and Qi Gong sessions, where your body finds its rhythm, and your spirit soars. These practices invigorate, center, and awaken your inner potential.


Guidance on Your Journey:

Our dedicated life coaches are here to accompany you on your transformational path. Whether it's unlocking hidden potential, overcoming obstacles, or discovering your life's purpose, they provide the guidance you need.


Nature's Wisdom:

Explore the serene beauty of our surroundings with daily nature walks. Nature has a way of teaching us, grounding us, and offering clarity. Allow its wisdom to seep into your soul.


A Wealth of Healing:

Dive into a world of therapies and healing modalities, carefully curated to nurture your holistic well-being. From sound healing to energy work, you'll find the tools to unlock your true self.

Love, Care, and Acceptance:

Above all,

at Alive Oaks, we offer the love, care, and attention you truly deserve. Our down-to-earth, open, and friendly approach creates a space where all are welcome, and every heart finds a home.

So, if you're seeking transformation, if you're yearning to rediscover your essence, if you're ready to embrace a life filled with vitality and purpose, then Alive Oaks is your sanctuary. Let's embark on this incredible journey together, where your inner light shines brighter than ever before


Chaque personne présente aura une séance de guérison individuelle de 2 heures qui est adaptée à ses besoins - une combinaison de sons, d'aimants, de canalisation, de travail corporel, de guérison multidimensionnelle et chamanique.


Une journée de voyage guidée sera incluse pour ajouter à la transformation. Cela sera discuté au préalable en fonction des besoins des personnes.


Nous aurons des cercles de partage le soir et des promenades dans la nature la journée et vous aurez suffisamment de temps pour vous-même pour la journalisation et l'intégration, nous proposons également des méthodes de thérapie et d'adaptation - TCC / PNL pour ceux qui le souhaitent ou en ont besoin. Ainsi, vous disposez des outils et du soutien nécessaires pour poursuivre votre chemin dans votre vie de tous les jours.



Pendant votre séjour, votre hébergement sera dans l'une de nos belles tentes / yourtes bell et nous avons une maison à deux chambres, toutes très propres et confortables avec une vue à couper le souffle, paix et tranquillité, l'endroit idéal pour se détendre en pleine nature.


Life Changing


I spent my entire life filled with anger, conflict and depression.

"Alex and Ira are an amazing team and both really helped me to understand my trauma and find my light ... I left there after 7 days a new person, feeling love, light and excitement for life! I owe both of them my life."

"What they have there and who they are is very special its like no other place in the world. I highly recommend it "

"This transformation will benefit so many people who rely on me, as its a beautiful ripple affect ... when you heal your self you heal the world"


Dino - Isle Of Wight


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